a "quickie" post

Ok, I'm still in the process of moving. It has been a week and I am still living out of suitcases and piles of clothing on the floor. And a lovely surprise at this new apartment is that the internet is extremely moody. So, I haven't been able to update you guys as much as I was hoping too. Butttt, maybe this will keep you guys checking in. Suspense is a good thing, right??

All of that a side, this post is gonna be short and to the point because I don't know how long my internet connection will last!!

A few weeks ago I was able to finish two signs for my Aunt and Uncles new beach house in Cherry Grove, SC. They renamed the beach house from "Penny Pincher" to "Absolute Paradise", which is very fitting because the house looks like absolute paradise and I hope I get a chance to visit very soon!! Anyway, along with a new name they needed new signs to advertise their rental. I was given the dimensions, name of the house and was told to go from there! This is what I think of when the word paradise is mentioned and luckily it fit perfectly in line with what my Aunt and Uncle wanted!! 

(The two signs are identical so I didn't feel the need to post them both.)

Hopefully the moving process will end soon and maybe by some miracle my internet will decide what it wants to do. I hope you guys keep checking in because I promise I have LOTS of fun new projects I want to share!! 
