My True Colors

Alright, maybe I'm just more of a monthly blogger instead of a daily or weekly person... I would love to update the blog weekly and really make this blog something that is enjoyable and inspiring. But baby steps,  I'll get there eventually. 

I know I say this almost ever post but I really do have a lot to talk about this time :) I've even got the posts all planned out! I'm going to finally show you guys my apartment and what it has turned in to since I last posted about it in August. I also still need to upload my photos from my photography class and show yall my last two sculpture assignments! SOO MUCH! But luckily, it is the end of the semester and I only have 2 weeks left of school and that means lots of down time to be creative and blog about it! 

For now I want to show you guys my true colors :) 

When I first moved in to my apartment I didn't want to paint because I wanted a crisp grey scale bedroom with the only color being my vibrant blue quilt. Well, thats changed a little bit. 
Obviously, I have a lot more color in my life than I thought. And I must be drawn to blue and orange because almost everything in my room is a tint of one of those two! The desk you see in the corner is the desk that Reed and I made the first night I moved and the bed is an antique white iron bed I got from my parents.

The pillows where made by my Aunt and cousin as a gift three years ago and I absolutely love them to death. But, what is REALLY amazing is the fact that I received the quilt at the end of the bed this year as a gift. However, it wasn't from my aunt it was from Reeds parents who have only seen my room (and those pillow cases) maybe once. Apparently those are just my colors and every body knows it! 

The only remnant of my original design plan is the wall at the foot of my bed. I have hung (obviously not officially hung, but they are there!) a few pieces of my artwork from my beginning drawing classes. Hopefully one day, probably not in this apartment, I will have these properly framed, matted, and hung in a way that covers an entire wall with nothing but charcoal and graphite drawings!

This big armoire  is also from a previous post where it went under a pretty big change. It still needs a little tweaking but its good enough for now. 

And, my colors seem to be really contagious because not only are they really prominent in my room but they have also snuck in to the living room! 

I finally got something up on the chicken wire wall! Not sure what exactly it is but me and the roommates sure had fun making it! All we did was staple the wire to the wall and then cut up old sheets and weave them through in a pattern that we thought was interesting. I also added a few tissue paper flowers. It needs a few more but school took over my life and I just haven't gotten around to decorating in a while... 

This is just to show you guys the rest of the apartment. This is just our little breakfast nook. 

I didn't do this amazing piece of art. But my grandma who started me as an artist did and I've grown up looking at this painting and trying to figure out what it is. And I think I found my inspiration for my colors! 

Well, thats my apartment! I hope you guys enjoyed the tour! I know its not much but it is really starting to get its own personality and I'm really enjoying it!

I'll try to post again soon with some of my projects outside of the apartment!!
