
I don't really have anything "fun" to talk about today.
Buttttt I am pretty proud of myself. Today I began to concur one of my worst enemies. TECHNOLOGY.
I don't know what is wrong with me but I always have issues figuring out how to use the latest and greatest gadget. I know, it doesn't make since that I'm attempting to be a blogger when I don't enjoy working with technology. However, I have taught myself that Google is my friend and I can find help to get my blog to look exactly the way I want.


I hope you've noticed I have made a few changes to the blog recently. I have started a Facebook page and linked it here so you guys can fallow me all the time!
I've also started an ETSY shop! It makes me so nervous and so I haven't really posted much in the store but I have also connected that for you guys down on the the right side of the blog. I'm thinking that once I get the store going I may give it a permanent home by creating a separate page. But we will see.

All this to say, I'm trying to upgrade for you guys! And if you have any advice I would LOVE IT :)

PS. Sorry there are no pictures, but I didn't think screen shots would be very interesting. Its boring but this weekend I'm finishing up a pallet project so there will be plenty of pictures later!