Wedding Photos #2

Ok, now this one is REALLY heavy on the photos :)

I want to just brag on the photographers here.
Allie and Levi Monday of The Mondays Photography are responsible for these amazing pictures. 
We found them through a friends wedding in June of 2011. 
Reed and I were both in that wedding and really enjoyed how the Mondays worked. 

What we really appreciated about them was how they captured the moment.
I loved that they didn't put us in too many poses but rather made suggestions and then captured our personality. Now, Allie and Levi had been out of the country for a while when we booked them so we got to know each other through the internet. And when we first met they sure did not disappoint!

Our engagement pictures are TOTALLY RAD!
Check some of them out here.

Basically I feel like we totally meshed! I was able to completly trust Levi and Allie with everything!!
We even gave them keys to my car and let them roam around our empty house to get some of the detail shots!! 

So, enough ranting. 
They are awesome and if you need any more proof here are about 100 pictures :) 

Wedding 101 is a great resource! Check out their website:

And one of my best friends did my hair and make up :) 

While her man maid my halo :) 
One of my favorite moments!
Lydia: "touch the dress, touch the dress" 

My girls!!



The boys :)

Reed with his girls 

Our stunning moms :) 

Road to the ceremony! 

Might be my favorite picture!


I lost it! Surprisingly Daddy held it together :) 

Just some other important people in my life dancing :) 

So unbelievably happy she made it! And even had a dance with Daddy! 

Such a precious moment 

Bird seed!! 

We couldn't have asked for anything better!! 

PS> now for those of you that are tired of my wedding posts that should be the last one :)
Now you just have to listen to my marriage rants!