A work of outstanding artistry, skill or workmanship


  1. A work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.
  2. An artist's or craftsman's best piece of work.

As I'm sure you know I am an artist. 
I've been creative most of my life. 
I love crafting, and always have preferred to DIY something rather than buy it. 
I'm now pursuing a degree in Fine Art from Clemson University. 

The pursuit of this degree has been eye opening. 
I did not realize what I was jumping in to, at all.
Now as I am about to enter in to my final semester as an undergrad art student I've taken the time to really sit back and evaluate everything that has been crammed in my head over the past few years. 

At the top of this post I posted the definition of masterpiece.
I've been really pushing myself to make good work that I feel proud enough to show in my senior show coming up in late April. I've always strived to produce my best for every critique but there is a different standard when I'm making something knowing that it will be viewed by more people than my peers. 

While I was working on a piece for a 10 week review and really pushing myself to get it show ready I was listening to Pandora when "Beautiful Things" by Gungor came on. 

If you haven't heard this before please listen to it. 
Actually, even if you have heard it. Listen to it again :)

I just thought this was such a beautiful song. It holds so much truth. 
I was sitting on the floor trying my hardest to make something beautiful and "perfect" while being surrounded by Gods perfectly beautiful creation.

As an artist I'm constantly looking around me and thinking to myself "oh that would be a great painting/picture/sculpture" but I rarely give the artist credit. 
I've learned a lot about how much goes in to making art its not just about looks but about the concept, meaning, and purpose that the artist puts behind it. 

Every artist hopes to evoke something with their work. 
Usually I want to evoke thought and appreciation for the forgotten and unappreciated things in life. 

When I was working, totally immersed in studio mindset, then pulled out by the lines
"You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us".
I was taken a back by how blessed I am to be created by a master-craftsman. 
He made me out of dust and has given me an ability to make art. 
I know that my talent as an artist is a tool I can use to show appreciation for the real Master and His unmatchable creativity.

I hope that some how my mediocre arts and crafts can bring attention to God and His ability to create all of the beauty that we take for-granted daily. 
The month of November is often associated with giving thanks and I want to use this specific time to thank the Lord for allowing me to pursue what I love and giving me the ability to succeed in it. I love creating and knowing that my creator is the real Master. 

Thank you Lord for allowing me to understand, appreciate, and make art!

"We are Gods masterpiece. He created us a new in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things He planned for us long ago."
Ephesians 2:10

PS> it's blowing my mind that I AM considered a masterpiece?!