Back on Schedule!!

Thats right, I am getting back on schedule! 
I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for the past month. 
Once we got out for winter break I had so much todo and nothing that was ever consistant. 

As of today, school is officially started back and I am running at full speed!
I have already sat down and planned out all of my dates for finished projects, meetings, shows, and GRADUATION!!

I've decided that it is going to fit best in my schedule to post here on Mondays and Wednesdays. 
I'm going to try and do a quick post every Friday but Fridays are usually my errands day so that might be a little sporadic.

Here are some of my bigger dates that are going on this semester: 
Friday Feb. 8th- Opening ceremony for new building on Campus 
(my class and I will be doing the ribbon cutting and presenting artwork for the building)
Thursday Feb 14th. Valentines day!! But also my first big review for the semester!! I'm hoping to have at-least 2 large pieces done for it! Wish me luck!
Thursday Feb. 21st my senior class leaves for NEW YORK! We will be visiting some major museums and galleries and get back Saturday the 23!! 
March 18-23rd is Spring break(no big plans yet!!) 
March 28th is my 10 week review and hopefully I will have atleast 4 projects to present!!
April 20-26th is MY SHOW!! with the reception friday night!

And last but not least is GRADUATION on May 10th!! 

My semester is going to be packed with some huge dates but I am SO EXCITED and thankful that it has started! I'm gonna have lots to share so just be patient with me I promise I will get it to you as soon as I can!! 

Sorry this post is boring, heres a cute picture of our new puppy, Tepe!!
She likes to sit in my lap while I'm on the computer. Most of the time she trys to eat it or walk on it :)