Our Puppy!

This is baby puppy, Tepe. 
She is 9 weeks old. 
We got her two weeks ago from a shelter in Liberty, SC. 
She is an English Pointer/Lab mix and is so cute!! 

The name Tepe is short for her full name Ticuantepe, which is the town in Nicaragua where Reeds parents own a Pineapple farm. We shortened it to Tepe, which we pronounce as "Teppy". 

This is one of my favorite pictures of her. 
It was the first day we got her home :) 

I ordered Tepe some special collars from Etsy. 
They are BEAUTIFUL! 
Allyson from SophiesDogBoutique has so many different fabrics to choose from and can make them special for your precious puppy :) 

Go on over and check them out, she also makes leeshes and accessories too! 
Just tell her I sent you:)

I ordered 2 so Tepe could have choices!! 
But really, one is a medium and the other is a large. 
We aren't sure how big she will get so we needed options.

The blue is the large so she still has a good bit of growing before it will fit her. 

And Yes. I sat her on our island to take the pictures :) 
I wanted to light from the window... 

This one is my favorite! It is such a cool fabric, I would love to have some of it for myself :)
This one is also a little big but it will do for now. 
She is growing so fast I'm sure she will fit it in a few weeks.

And I just thought this picture was hilarious! Looks at her face!! 
She was just enjoying the yard and the sunshine :)
And she eats the grass every now and then. 

And ending, with this beauty!
I thought it was similar to the one in the bath tub but showed how much she has grown in the 2 weeks we have had her. 

So anyway, we love our Tepe and I wish she would stay little forever!
Right now she is sleepin in my lap with her head on the keyboard...
Its official, Reed and I got a puppy and our heart has melted. 
Now we are a real married couple :)