My puppy portrait painting

I'm sure y'all think I'm a freak because I've written posts about our puppy, Tepe, multiple times. 
But that doesn't matter to me, I love her and I made this blog to write about what I love so HA :p

Basically,  I have a lot of time on my hands after the move. I moved pretty quickly with getting the house set up. I know I still haven't revealed the bathroom, bedroom, or guestroom/studio. But they are almost there. I've just gotta finish setting up some of the little details before I share. But with all this time hanging around I get to snuggle with Tepe a lot and watch HGTV. Then I get bored and really need to do something creative. Fixing the house is great, but its not the same as making art. I haven't been able to really do any big projects or sculptures because I just don't have the space at the time. So everything I've done has been a bit cheesy. 

Cheesy is exactly what this is, and I don't have any place to hang it so I think my mom wants it :) So glad she loves Tepe as much as I do! 

But painting was something I needed to do, no script, or furniture involved. It felt a little more like "art" than what I've done recently. But I still miss my real art, and can not wait for my studio to get set up!
  (I think its gonna happen this week!!)
Anyways, I painted one of my favorite pictures of Tepe from when she was just a tiny baby.

I just did a real quick acrylic painting. With a fast sketch and then applied the painterly monochromatic background. I played around when it came to actually applying paint to her. Technically mixing on the canvas isn't the best idea but its fast and easy, plus I like the texture it makes :) 

I'm thinking about adding this to the Etsy shop. Obviously, not selling this particular one but offering pet portraits maybe??? We will just have to see, let me know what y'all think.

*Added to the shop! Check it out here