Making Monday [#7]

I mean really it's already week SEVEN! So fun :) I hope you are all enjoying learning from each other and getting inspired by each fabulous party. I've been a little distracted lately so I haven't added many projects but just wait you've got lots coming once the studio gets moving!! 

Here are some of my favorites from last week. I thought I would share some sewing projects because I am insanely jealous of anyone who can sew, and these ladies have inspired me to work more with fabric no matter how intimidating!

First I have Katie at The Crafty Blog Stalker. She has made a skirt from two $2 tank tops! Yes, that is right she made a super easy skirt with only $4!! The project looks pretty doable so now I just have to find me some cheap-o tanks!

Second is Brittany  from Whimsy Renee. She has made a no-sew bunting. So technically it isn't sewing but it still has to do with fabric and I don't really do much with that. Plus I LOVE bunting and I always hang it in every room. 

Ladies please grab a feature button and add it to your post or side bar or whatever! I'd love for you to  share your fabulous projects with the world!! 

Kitchen Table Art

And everyone else,  be sure to link up and share this week and if you are PINNING any of these projects please make sure to pin from the original site!!!

Also grab a button to link back or add a text link on your blog to let everyone know where you are sharing!!
Kitchen Table Art

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