ETSY Wish List

Woot woot for wish list Wednesday!
I love being able to cruise ETSY and find some goodies that make my heart flutter. There is just something so astonishing about what can be made by hand, I love being inspired by the amazing shop owners.

This week I searched some random things, no theme this week man!!

First off is this awesome wrap dress. I've wanted one of these for eevvaaaa. I love dresses specially in the summer and talk about awesome that you can wear it so many different ways and just LOOK at the rainbow of colors they offer!! I'm thinking this orange one would awesome for a fun and bright summer afternoon. Maybe even a good ole Clemson game with a cute jean jacket and cow girl boots?? Oh man I think I just sold myself!!

Ok maybe there is a bit of a theme this week. I mean sometimes a girl just wants some new clothes :)

Y'all know I love my leggings. If you see my Instagram feed most of my outfits involve some sort of legging layered with a long shirt, scarf, and vest. I'm so thankful for the trend because its is SO comfortable :) And I've had my eyes on these bad boys for over a year now. Yep, a year.... Maybe I just splurge one day just so I stop drooling! These faux thigh high leggings are ah-mazing. They are the comfort of leggings with the tiny bit of sexy that layering adds. Not to mention who doesn't want to look like they are wearing tie dye knee socks?!

Annnd my rando wish this week is for this super cute address stamp!!! I've never wanted to invest in an address stamp before because I felt like I was never sure if I was going to have the same address for longer than a year. But this place is feeling more and more like home and some place we will want to stay for a while. So why not invest in an address stamp?! Angi has some beautiful hand calligraphy over at her shop and my heart is now officially set on a stamp with the same beautiful flow of calligraphy.

Man, talk about some talent! Sewing and calligraphy are all things I wish I could do. I'm sure I could attempt to make my own versions of each of these but just look at the craftsman ship they put in to it, why not pay a professional and help out some one with a custom order :)

I hope you all start considering ETSY as a usual shopping place not just for gifts. ETSY has so many talented people that you never know what you may find. I have purchased so many things for our home, our pet, my parents, Reeds wedding ring, invitations, blog designs, and countless gifts for birthdays and Christmas.

And you know I love some love in  my shop too :) If you want a custom piece shoot me a message I love to work with new ideas!!
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