KTA Thankful Project

Back at the beginning of 2013 I challenged myself to find the importance in the little thingsI wanted to be thankful for all of the blessings in my life, specifically the ones that are forgotten on a daily basis. So what I did was create a "Thankful Project", every day I would do a count down along with 1 thing I was thankful for with a photo on Instagram. This year I would LOVE to have you join me! Maybe I can actually keep track of the days better if I have some friends to help me out :) I was horrible when it came to keeping track with my numbers, but man o man I learned a lot by looking for the little things in life that I couldn't live with out. 

To join the project all you have to do is tag your thankful photos on Instagram with #KTAthankful. Each week I'm going to do a Thursday post to round up some of that weeks Thankful moments and pictures shared on Instagram. You don't have to post every day if you don't want, all I want this project to achieve is to get each of us to notice and be thankful for the little things in life. 

Here is a quick review of some of my post from the past year. 

1. We got our puppy January of 2013! 2. Completed 6 pieces of art and had my first ever art show! 3. Moved to the boondocks but found the most beautiful place ever. 4. Painted my kitchen a teal and got my first china cabinet. 5. became a regular of Lowes and got a WELDER. 5. Decorated for Christmas!! 

If you are looking for something to do this new year please join me with the KTAthankful project! I learned so much last year and think it is a great challenge that will change your entire out look on the blessings you have received, big or small!

I'm thinking about adding a link-up each Thursday for each of us to find some other fab Instagramers. Let me know what you think about a link up. 

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