Thankful Thursday #1

Thursday is here!! So for the first week of my new blogging schedule I'm pretty happy with how it's going. I've been able to get most posts written a day or two a head of time, seen more readers visit me, and it has given me more to do :) 

Now lets talk about this Thankful Project again. 
Last week I shared a quick introduction over here
Check it out if you missed it.

But here is another real quick overview:

1. this is a 365 day challenge. Yes I want you to be Thankful for something each day!
 (but if posting a picture everyday is a little scary just try your hardest to be thankful for the little things and share when you can! And I know it is now the second week of January but it's ok we don't mind if you come in late)

2. Join the fun by using #KTAthankful  via Instagram (or Twitter)

3. What does KTAthankful stand for? Well it's Kitchen Table Art - Thankful in hashtag form :) 

4. Each Thursday I will host a link up where we can meet new Instagrammers and support each other in this Thankful journey! 

Here's a quick screenshot of some of the posts already shared this year, and you can see the hashtag already has 456 photos, so come join the fun :) No need to be a photographer we enjoy taking a peak in to your precious life just the way it is, nothing fancy needed! 

Can't wait to see what YOU are thankful for!

There are just a few things I ask of you who link up: 
- check out and follow your hostess (me)
- visit at least 3 other people and follow them too :)