Wishful List "Tuesday" ??

This week the blog has a lot going on! I've already posted 2 posts just on Monday and have some big stuff planned for Wednesday. Please don't forget to head over and join the Making Monday Link Party, it is growing every week and has some really awesome features and shares from you guys! Also, this week I'm part of a HUGE giveaway with Victoria's Secret and Sephora, I mean who doesn't want $100 worth of pretty underwear  and $50 of fun jewelry :)

This week my wish list contains nothing but comfy warm cloths. Apparently I'm really wanting a good reason to stay in my night cloths (pajamas) all day!

First and foremost are these unreal Cozy Moccasin Style Slippers. I mean look at those colors, and that awesome fuzzy warm-ness! If my feet could drool over something, it would be these. Yes, the shop is in Thailand. And to be totally honest I usually avoid shops that are outside of the US because you never really know when or what you are getting. But after doing some research on this shop because I totally fell in love with ALL OF THEIR SHOES I realized that their story is actually really awesome. This is a mother daughter team from Illinois who moved all around and have settled in Thailand. They talk about how their business has helped them form relationships with the local people and encourage the younger generation to appreciate the traditional way of weaving fabric and making shoes. I love any industry, small business, non profit who is willing to build relationships and engage a community. After reading their about me section I called my husband and told him I know what I want for Valentines day :)

Next are the Lotus Yoga Pants. Now I don't do yoga, but I do lounge around the house so that counts right :) Just kidding, but for real these pants are super cute and I'm pretty sure I could make a bold statement wearing these in to Lowes picking up supplies! Also, I am wanting to start yoga (my back hurts all the time so I'm hoping stretching it out  each morning will help) if you have any suggestions on at home videos I could do during the day that would be greatly appreciated! And obviously having these pants would really motivate me to start sooner.

Every girl needs a pretty night gown. I just LOVE night gowns. So comfy and you feel so pretty too :) This 100% Cotton Nightgown is STUN- NING! I've never had a floor length night gown but I bet it keeps your legs nice and toasty and is nice to wrap up in on the sofa while reading a good book. Oh man again, I'm getting too excited about this!! The entire Sarafinadreams shop is absolutely stunning. I'm a firm believer that every girl/ woman/ lady deserves to feel pretty all the time even when just lounging around or going to bed and I'm 100% positive anything from this shop would do just that!

Annnnnd finally this is what I'm thinking would fit along perfect with an easy going lounge kind of day. Yep a glass of wine on a cute wine tray :) I mean some times at the end of the day you just need to Wine A  Little .

Or maybe give thanks that you can bum it while still looking stylish! This Give Thanks Tray would be great to serve coffee, milk and cookies on to help curb that midnight (or mid day) craving!
Check out all of my Serving Trays HERE!

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