Thankful Thursday (ready for spring)

This last week we had beautiful weather. I've been forced out of this winter coma and reminded how I would rather be working on a project than sitting at my computer. Don't get me wrong I adore blogging, but only because it lets me share what I love doing and it has given some sort of "schedule and purpose" to my days. 

I love being covered in dust from a hard day being productive on a project. Or having paint covering my jeans because I'm the messiest painter no matter the size of the project. I'm so glad I don't have to bundle up just to walk across our yard to the studio. I'm so thankful for the warmth the sun provides. Here's a cheesy line but I think it rings true today, this warmth has literally warmed me inside and out. Pushing me to be productive with my days and reminding me of goals. 

Man the sun works wonders! 

It also makes beautiful things like these babies appear! I'm ready to fill our yard with color and enjoy it all day long! 

Also, bragging wife here, perk of your hubs working on 5,000 acres is he gets to bring home amazing flowers :) 

Man the sun is the best!! Hurry up spring!

What are y'all thankful for this week??