Welcome to another fabulous Making Monday party!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter.  The atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ is such a wonderful gift and blessing given to us by our Heavenly Father, and I'm so thankful for it.
Our spring weather is still beautiful and I'm slowly working on my spring projects.

This is what your hostesses have been up to:

Lori has been baking up a storm! 
Coconut Cream Pie is the PERFECT spring dessert.  
I was never a fan of cream pies until I made this one a few years ago.
And now it's one of my very favorites.

And I've been a busy bee in our yard! Lots of planting went on in the past couple of days, lets hope that these crazy long rain showers aren't going to affect them in a bad way! But check out these hanging planters I made for our back porch out of PVC! 

Here are the features from last week's party chosen by Lori ~ 

This week we're featuring some great spring ideas that will hopefully lighten your load,
help you with planning, planting, and cooking,
and allow you time to be outdoors enjoying the beautiful spring weather with people you love.

#1.  Ideas for Springtime Family Fun ~ Kathy at Three Kids and a Fish.  Link ~

#2.  5 Plants That Naturally Repel Pests ~ Felissa at Two Little Cavaliers.  Link ~

#3.  Delicious Ham and Cornmeal Cakes ~ Burnt Apple.  Link ~

#4.  Refreshing Pineapple Coconut Ice Cream ~ Laura and Angela at About a Mom.  Link ~

#5.  Nine Meals in 90 Minutes ~ Erin and Dan at DIY Passion.  Link ~

#6.  10 Tips for a Successful Yard Sale ~ Holly at The Coconut Head's Survival Guide.  Link ~

If you are one of our features PLEASE grab a button and share it on your blog!

Kitchen Table Art
And don't forget if you didn't make it as a feature this week to check out the Pin board and to keep linking up, next week could be you! 

Kitchen Table Art


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