Making Monday 49

Hello friends. Welcome to this week's Making Monday link party.
Last week there were so many wonderful projects, ideas, and recipes shared ~ it was so fun to visit each of your blogs to see what you linked up. You're all so awesome and we're so glad you link up each week and keep us inspired to try new things.
This is a party where you can find fun new creative ideas and tasty recipes shared by amazingly talented people. Every Monday bloggers stop by to link up their posts and share with all you party goers. By joining in {both bloggers and non-bloggers} you will discover new blogs, be inspired to make something new, try a yummy new recipe, and most importantly make new friends!
This party is hosted by Gracie and me, and your projects will be shared on both of our blogs. We love that you're here and we love featuring you on our social media so be sure to follow us so you can see if your post gets shared!
We also pin to our Making Monday Pinterest board and we'd love to have you follow along! This is a place you can find projects from all the previous parties, too, so it is like a party every day!

This is what your hostesses have been up to lately:

This week Gracie's showing us how to make a fun Floral Halo for only a few dollars, which she then wore for a photo shoot in her stunning sunflower field.
Cherry Pie Bars
These Cherry Pie Bars are the bomb. Lori created a recipe that's completely from scratch ~ no canned cherry pie filling.

These are the fabulous features for this week, chosen by Lori:

#1. Homemade Steak Sauce Recipe ~ Merissa at Little House Living. I'm excited about this recipe because I love to make everything homemade that I can.
#2. Veggie Cream Cheese Squares ~ Maureen at Red Cottage Chronicles. This looks like a refreshingly summer meal that can be eaten at home or on a picnic {like Maureen's family did}.
#3. Side Table Makeover ~ Courtney at Crafts by Courtney. I sure do wish I had an old table like this one so I could make it over. I love how it turned out.
This remodel makes such in big, updated difference on Shonee's brick wall. Well done!
I love this decorated table that is so summery festive ~ and those covered chargers are such a clever idea that I'm storing away in my brain.
#6. DIY: Wall Art ~ Sabine at Mom in Music City. How awesome is this wall art? And I love the colors Sabine used.
I love the combination of white paint and wood on this cabinet. The transformation is stunning.
If you were one of the features PLEASE grab a button and share it with some friends.
A Bright and Beautiful Life
If you weren't featured this week, don't forget to check out the Pinterest board and keep linking up ~ next week could be you!
A Bright and Beautiful Life
Don't forget to check out our Pinterest board where we pin plenty of projects from each party!

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