Birthday Girl & Piñata Halloween Costume for you and your puppy!

October is here and that means halloween is just a few days away! 
Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. Mostly because growing up I always had a costume party with a hay ride and bon fire for my birthday (Oct. 27th). Plus my mom and grandmother where great at keeping their old clothes so we always had the best items to pick through for our costumes. Never have I ever been a store bought costume person and I vow to never become one :) 

I couldn't just dress up by myself. I mean group costumes are by far the best so I came up with something that Tepe and I could do together. So I introduce you to our Birthday Girl and Pinata Halloween Costumes! 

To make the costumes I spent $10 at our local Dollar Store and picked up 5 packs of streamers, an XL mens t shirt, birthday ribbons, birthday hat, and a little girls tutu.

The tutu and hat where for Tepe to transform in to the Birthday girl. 
And I was the piñata :) 
If you wanna see how I made the piñata costume it was super easy and I'm going to share how I made it later this week! 

Tepe wasn't so thrilled about the dress up idea so I struggled getting some pictures. If only I could show you all the out takes... dear Lord. 
The plan was for her to hold the stick in her mouth and to sit next to me and be super precious. But as you can tell she didn't like that plan so instead she sat next to me and looked super miserable. 

But hey, she doesn't hate me any more! I think if I down sized the hat a bit she would have been totally fine with it. She was just ready to play so she kept chewing on the hat and tutu... 
Maybe we will have better success with our next costume. 
Speaking of which be on the look out next week for the tutorial on how to make your own piñata costume and for a couple more ideas for you and your pup this Halloween season :) 

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