Making Monday Link Party -FIRST OF 2015

It's the first monday of 2015!

Can you believe how fast 2014 went by? I mean, I was totally not ready for it. But thats cool I'm excited for 2015 and already have lots of projects lined up :) 

This is a party where you can find fun new creative ideas and tasty recipes shared by amazingly talented people. Every Monday bloggers stop by to link up their posts and share with all you party goers. By joining in {both bloggers and non-bloggers} you will discover new blogs, be inspired to make something new, try a yummy new recipe, and most importantly make new friends!
This party is hosted by Gracie and me, and your projects will be shared on both of our blogs. We love that you're here and we love featuring you on our social media so be sure to follow us so you can see if your post gets shared!
I also pin to our Making Monday Pinterest board and I'd love to have you follow along! This is a place you can find projects from all the previous parties, too, so it is like a party every day!

So the last party was before Christmas and feels like a life time ago already. Because I don't have any features from you guys I'm just gonna share my 3 posts about the new year! Nothing too exciting but maybe it will get some juices flowing and start this year and party off on the right foot! 

I can't wait to see what y'all are already making in this new year! I'm sure we are going to see even more spectacular goodies than before! 

I hope that you guys are loving this party as much as I am! Can't get over all the awesome stuff that gets shared week after week!

   And don't forget if you didn't make it as a feature this week to check out the Pin board and to keep linking up, next week could be you!
Kitchen Table Art

Don't forget to check out our Pinterest board where we pin plenty of projects from each party!

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