
Burlap Christmas Tree

This is the first time I've ever done my own decorating for the Holidays. 
I've shared multiple times that our house is teeny, tiny, small. 
So, we don't have a ton of room for a tree but I really wanted to decorate for 

I decided that I needed to come up with something that would be cheap and unique.
We have about a million pieces of burlap from the wedding and decided that would be the perfect material. I got Reed to pick up a tomato stand from Lowes and decided to cover it in the burlap. 

First step I drew out a pattern that I then cut it out of the burlap. 

Once I cut out the pieces I then glued them to a piece of yarn. 

I left enough room when glueing to allow the pieces to move freely. 

I then wrapped the burlap banner around the upside down tomato stand. 
TA DA!! It looks like a tree!
Lyd (my younger sister) says it looks like its dead, but
The texture is so fun and it still leaves spaces for hanging ornaments. 

Heres the (almost) finished tree! 
I love the way it looks but it still needs some color. 
I've got another post coming soon to show some of my homemade and cheap ornaments. 

Hope everyone is having fun getting ready for the Holidays!
I know I'm enjoying the gift shopping and all of the fun crafts :) 

Burlap Craft!

I decided to try some burlap crafts that I've seen around recently.
This is a Burlee. 
(Basically a burlap door hanger.)

So here is how I made it!
I bought some burlap at Walmart for about $2 a yard.
I then made a little template of the shape I wanted the burlee to be
And cut out 2 matching pieces and hot glued them together. 

I then cut out ANOTHER template of a buck. 
I wanted to pull together the styles of Reed and I, so, I used the buck silhouette and used my blue as the back ground. 
After I painted the blue I stuffed it with some plastic bags. 

Annnnd to hang it I used the burlap ribbon and tied it in a sweet bow. 

Sooo I painted the details I was thinking. 
This is gonna hang on our door, as a welcome to our house.
I then glued the top together and the bow on and 
TA DA!! 

I don't have a great picture of it on the door yet. But hopefully we will get one tomorrow when the sun comes out :)

Hey and also don't forget about the Etsy shop. I've added a few new things recently!

Polkadot Pretties 
