
Crop Sweater - How to Keep Wearing Your Favorite Summer Dresses

So, I totally love my dresses in the summer time. I mean whats easier than throwing on a cotton summer dress and some flip flops and lookin appropriate for fishing or dinner :) But, sadly summer doesn't last all year. I've been trying to figure out how to transition my favorite dresses in to multiple seasons and I think I finally figured it out!

 I was on the look out for cropped sweaters for a while and couldn't find anything. I found lots of long sweaters that would be great with leggings but that wouldn't look too hot with my little dresses.
So my mom told me to just grab a $5 Hanes sweatshirt and crop it myself!

So soft, so warm, and so cheap!!

So I hit up the Wal-Mart racks and grabbed me a cozy sweat shirt. 
Laid it out with my chambray dress on top. With my dress laying on top I was able to see where the dress tapers in for the waist and mark it on my sweater. 
Cut your sweater a little longer than you think because it will curl!!
Once I got my sweater cut all you have to do is pull along the cut edge and it will naturally curl! 
I'm probably gonna add some stitches to keep it in place but was happy to wear it for the day with out it :) 

So thats how you transition your favorite summer staple to a fall and winter outfit! Layering sweaters, dresses, and leggings may make me a little happier with the cold weather. How are you dealing with the chill?!
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