
Social Media and Being A Supportive Wife

I'm just going to admit it, I've become totally addicted to Social Media. It sounds horrible, and yes addiction is a bad thing regardless of what it is to, but I don't think all social media deserves a bad wrap. The internet, social media, and blogging have kept me sane while I get used to living in a  new town and becoming a stay at home wife. I've met great friends and started some pretty awesome friendships because of my use of Instagram and other social medias. 
I'm not saying to ditch the real world, but I wanted to let you all know I'm not wanting to bash social media with this post either. 

Despite my fond feelings for social media I realized recently that maybe some of my language isn't really painting the most supportive picture of my life. I think we are all guilty of this some times. We want to be "real" so we share struggles, issues, and just our every day life. Thats all fine and dandy! But sometimes those should be thought out a little bit more before we hit that share button.

January has already been a month of trials for Reed and I. We are learning what it means to "live in the real world" and wanting to be transparent with my friends I posted (what I thought to be) positive posts and snippets of those trials. But recently I realized that even though my actual words where positive didn't mean the message was necessarily the best.

It hit me hard when I was looking back through my feeds the other day. I want my language both; literal language, body language, and unspoken language, to be  nothing but uplifting to my family. Was I really helping our situation by posting a picture about how cold I was? Nope! Was I making Reed look like the best possible husband in the world by posting how all I wanted in a home was heating and insulation? Nope.

It breaks my heart to know that my quick little post with such few words could damage my husbands credibility. He is a provider and I don't praise him enough for it. He is a comforter and I know I don't praise him enough for that either. I should be posting pictures more often of how, when I'm cold he runs out and comes back with an electric blanket. Or how he made sure that I have enough hot cocoa to warm my insides when I wake up in the morning.

Not silently sitting here posting pictures of heaters, blankets, and warming my cloths in the dryer. All those are saying is "I'm freezing and it is all about me! Gosh wont somebody please provide me with adequate heating soon (wink wink nudge nudge REED)" and Lord knows that isn't what I want to say when I talk about my life.

Social media is a beautiful tool when used correctly. Remember that more so than in real conversation, things get misinterpreted. You don't get the entire story so whats to say how someone will read your post. I want to make it impossible for someone to read in to my post and see me dropping hints about my "real feelings". I want to be someone that posts real life that is uplifting to others not just using social media as a platform for my complaints hidden with the vail of "I'm just being real and honest".

I strive to be a supportive wife at home and now I've realized that because I'm choosing to share my life via the internet and social media that I need to be a supportive wife in those outlets too.

When I said my vows to Reed I said I would speak words of encouragement. That means both in real conversation and what I choose to share online. He is my husband and someone that my purpose in life is to uplift and encourage, this is a huge duty and is a bit daunting. But I'm thankful that I have the chance to learn what it means to selflessly encourage someone!

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PS> All photo credit goes to Lauren Garrett Photography