
Are YOU the winner

The giveaway is over! 
It's hard to believe that its been two weeks already. Part of me feels like it was really fast while the other part feels like its gone on forever! But I'm sure you are anxious to see the winner so I will make this short.

Thank you to all my new readers, friends, followers, blogging buddies, ect. I'm so happy you entered and shared in the festivities! With all the hype I finally felt like a "real" blogger and that was a great way to kick off a new design :) 

I feel the growth already, I see it in the numbers, the statistics, and the comments. I hope that you all stick around for more so I can get to know you past an entry in a giveaway. (If you need incentive I'm thinking about doing a giveaway every month!!)

And finally I want to thank my fabulous sponsors who made this giveaway possible :) 

Razzberry Fizz has been amazing with sharing and advertising the giveaway of their fabulous Lilly agenda.

Recipe for Crazy has been very generous with giving a print that so many of you adored.

and Brielle of 3eleven designs who is the entire reason I did this whole thing! If she hadn't done such a beautiful design I wouldn't have had as near a big success!

Thank you to all of you for participating and if you didn't already please be sure to thank the sponsors for their generosity! And PLEASE don't be strangers!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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