Mural, mural on the wall...

As I am sure you have figured out by now I have recently been working on a mural. This mural is part of a larger project (in fact I am pretty much supplying all of the artwork for a 3rd grade girls bedroom). This mural is the first mural I have ever been hired to do. My junior year of high school I planned a mural that myself and 13 other girls painted on a wall of a school in Nicaragua. These are just a view of the panels painted on the school wall in Nicaragua. 

The whole process of painting the mural above is really interesting but I'll save that for another time because I want to tell you about my most recent mural!

For the past few days I have been planning and painting a mural based off of a Pottery Barn paisley bed sheet set. And lucky for you guys I documented my process!! Obviously I took a few before pictures of the empty wall:

 This room is adorable, but was in desperate need of some art. So, I blew up a few pieces from the print and framed the built in shelving with them. I thought maybe I could share some of my in progress pictures with you guys, I hope they aren't too boring. 

The mural part of this project only took 2 days (after a few days of planning) and I think it came out pretty nicely. 

So, this was my first commissioned mural. I hope this is the first of many because I really enjoyed painting on such a large scale. And I guess this will also be my first double entry blog post! Once I finish the rest of the room I will show you guys the entire room completed!