
Mural, mural on the wall... continued

I'll admit it, I have been finished with this project for about a week now. However, I have been unbelievably busy and I am just not a professional blogger yet; so, often blogging is put on the back burner. But I still want to show you guys the finished room!

Before I show you the final product I want to share the process of painting the canvas for above the bed. 

This is the canvas and pillow case from the PB sheet set. The canvas was 36" X 48". Yes, HUGE I know.

I wanted to give you guys a close up of the pattern. Obviously it's pretty busy. For both the mural and the canvas I selected bits and pieces of the pattern to blow up and replicate.

TA DA! FINISHED!! This canvas took me about 5 or 6 hours to sit down and paint. I don't know why it took me so long, the only reason I can think of would be the fact that I was sitting on the floor in the middle of my living room. So it wasn't exactly the most comfortable situation. Next time I paint a large canvas I am definitely investing in an easel! 

Oh, I also realized that the canvas was almost too large to fit in my jeep. So I wanted to share with you the adventure I took just to get the canvas about 10 miles down the road. 

Even with the lack of visibility in the Jeep I managed to get the canvas there safely :) 

The canvas will be hung above the bed but we just propped it on the headboard for the time being. 

YAYYYY! All finished! Kinsey got her room finished, well almost finished. They are still planning to add a small chandelier and a fun chair in the corner. But for the most part all of the "big" projects are done! I love the color that these paintings brought to the room and I also really really enjoyed painting on such a large scale. 

Hopefully I will get to do another mural soon! I'm thinking about painting some picture frames on my wall next, I'll let you know how it turns out. 

WARNING: School is starting in less than a week so I may be off the radar for a few days while I get everything set up in my apartment and ready for classes. But don't worry I'm going to document the entire thing so that when I finally do get time I can keep you up to date on all my projects!! 

Mural, mural on the wall...

As I am sure you have figured out by now I have recently been working on a mural. This mural is part of a larger project (in fact I am pretty much supplying all of the artwork for a 3rd grade girls bedroom). This mural is the first mural I have ever been hired to do. My junior year of high school I planned a mural that myself and 13 other girls painted on a wall of a school in Nicaragua. These are just a view of the panels painted on the school wall in Nicaragua. 

The whole process of painting the mural above is really interesting but I'll save that for another time because I want to tell you about my most recent mural!

For the past few days I have been planning and painting a mural based off of a Pottery Barn paisley bed sheet set. And lucky for you guys I documented my process!! Obviously I took a few before pictures of the empty wall:

 This room is adorable, but was in desperate need of some art. So, I blew up a few pieces from the print and framed the built in shelving with them. I thought maybe I could share some of my in progress pictures with you guys, I hope they aren't too boring. 

The mural part of this project only took 2 days (after a few days of planning) and I think it came out pretty nicely. 

So, this was my first commissioned mural. I hope this is the first of many because I really enjoyed painting on such a large scale. And I guess this will also be my first double entry blog post! Once I finish the rest of the room I will show you guys the entire room completed!