Cooler season...

Literally, the days are getting cooler. This morning it was 55 degrees and I think the high was in the mid 70's. Which is VERY strange for South Carolina, but I'll take it! 
Buuuutttttttttt, that isn't the type of cooler I am talking about. As I am sure everyone knows, it is football season. Which also means it is tailgating season, so coolers are all the rage right now. I thought I would show you a few I have painted in the past and one that I just did a few weeks ago! 

This is the most recent cooler that I did for Maggie to give to my cousin Glenn for their 2 year dating anniversary. Even though I think this cooler was a huge surprise to Glenn and I know that it is something he will use for a while Maggie totally got a better present. Maggie gave Glenn a cooler and Glenn asked Maggie to marry him!! Yayyyyyy! 
-Back to the cooler. This is a 120 quart cooler that I got from Wal-Mart for $55, thought that was a total deal. 

Lid: USC Gamecock Flag

Front: Lyrics from a Corey Smith song with palmetto tree

Glenns monogram

Maggies monogram (don't worry I'll change this for her now that her name changes!)

Their anniversary and a fabulous quote
This cooler was done with sort of a rushed time line so I didn't get to do everything I was hoping to do. But, I really like how it turned out, and Glenn loved it enough to propose! (Just kidding I know it wasn't because of the cooler...) 

This is a cooler I did for Reed last year for his birthday. I thought I would  give him something that would be practical but I couldn't help getting creative with it too! 

Front: The song that describes Reed best: Indian Outlaw by Tim McGraw. 

Left Side: Reeds favorite fish to shoot, a carp. 

Back: Lyrics to Indian out law and some brim. 

Right Side: a Bass

Lid: the 2nd best description of Reeds life.

This is another cooler done last year for a friends birthday. 

Lid: Tals monogram 

Front: A dolphin fish. 
Painting on coolers is so fun! The paint is so easy to lay down and mixes so well on the plastic. Now I just need a fool proof sealant, so if anyone knows of any let me know :) 
