
House Tour: Room 1

Alright, we have been officially in the house for 2 weeks and married only 3 weeks!
It has been SO FUN!! I love having friends over to our house.
Sitting on our sofa watching TV. 
Not having to go home at the end of the day. 
It has all just been so great. I know everyone says the real world will hit us soon. 
But I'm just looking forward to the years ahead. 
I love my new roommate :) 

Alright, this is our first house tour!! 
This is our living rooooommmmm! 
It is a pretty small room only 12x16 so I was really worried about fitting everything in. 
Luckily my mom loaned us the chair and love seat. 
I'm pretty sure it was at one time porch furniture.
But I love it and it fits pretty perfectly in our tiny house :) 
We also got that sofa for a pretty sweet deal off Craigslist for $100 bucks! 
Its a queen pull out and the microfiber has only one little stain on the back of a cushion. 
Finding this furniture was such a blessing. 

This is the other corner of the living room. 
Yes the glorious TV! 
Reed and I received this fabulous TV as a wedding present along with the blue-ray player. 
Of course Reed wanted bigger but our room (and me) would only allow for a 42 inch. 
I think it fits perfectly!!
The TV stand is actually something that my dad had left over from when he owned a hardware store.
It was a rack used to display cast iron skillets. 
Yep, just basic wooden sides with 2 gridded selves. 
The shelves can easily be moved to different levels.
Of course meaning we had to put the raccoon on the bottom shelf :) 

The image on the right is a painting that my grandmother did. 
I had it in my last apartment and hopefully my mom will let me keep it forever!

Now for some detail shots. 
These are all of the pillows that we have around the living room. 
I was planning to make my own pillows out of canvas and just paint them but
I was lucky enough to find all of these at great deals!
The 2 brightly colored smaller pillows I found at a local consignment store for $8 a piece! 
And the 3 larger ones I got on redtag clearance at Belk! 
Reed was getting frustrated with all of my pillow purchases but I think they are perfect for the room. 
And he should be happy that I got them all for great prices. :) 

Annnnd finally our trinket stand! 
We both have a lot of things we want to show off. 
Reed has his animals, I have my artwork. 
I've tried my hardest to incorporate them both in a some what cohesive manner. 
This bookcase was one Reed had and really didn't want to part with. 
At first I had no idea what we would fill it with or where we would put it,
but I am so glad that he made me keep it. 
Because now we have a perfect spot in the living room to display some of our favorite trinkets and gifts we have received over the years. 

I've shown these images before but I thought it appropriate 
to share them now that the room is finished :) 

Just a quick reminder. This is a piece of fencing that Reed and I got at Lowes. 
Check out how we built it here.

And this is the display over the sofa. 
I explain the significance of each piece on this post if your interested. 

We are both so happy with how our little living room has turned out. 
We spend a lot of time hanging out in it. 
Finally it has started feel like OUR house :) 

*PS> Reed has 2 more duck mounts coming in the next month or so. Help me figure out where would be good to add in TWO MORE animals!! 


Back to school, lets set up your dorm or tailgate!

With school starting back and football season starting I thought it would be appropriate to do a giveaway getting in to the spirit.

Here are a few examples.
Please head over to my etsy store or check out my other posts that include some tin artwork!

Most of these are Clemson or Carolina but I can do another team if you'd like!

Whoever wins the raffle will get one 16x13inch hand painted tin sign 
customized to your favorite team 

Look around and good luck!!

The raffle ends the 25th!
(And if you aren't the lucky winner, or if you don't feel like waiting out the raffle I am offering a 20% off discount at the store with the coupon code BACKTOSCHOOL this will only last from the 22nd until the first Clemson football game September 1st!)