
Ok, I have been thinking about how I can grow my blog. I want to share this with people and I want to get some of my work out to people that aren't friends or family. Don't get me wrong, I love the support I get from friends and family but now I want to take on a little more. I've gotten some advice and done a little research on how to grow as a blogger, artist, and businesswoman. And everything said I've got to get people interested. I've tried to blog more often (still working on it) and I've attempted to open an Etsy store (it is open but have yet to have any takers) so now I am attempting a giveaway!
I've never done this before so be patient. I am going to start off small and if this is successful maybe I can grow with my giveaways too.

For this first giveaway I am offering a customized scarf. I have these custom scarves in my Etsy store for $25 and thought this would make a great start to, what will hopefully, be a fairly regular giveaway.

If your interested comment below with what you would like to customize your scarf with and I will pick a winner Thursday night!!
This means you need to be checking in to see who is announced as the winner!!