Crafty Gifts

Today has been a bit of a slow day. Not too busy with school or work. I've got a few projects I need to get on this week. Like new wooden signs for The Fizz, goodies for my soon to be nephew, and save-the-dates for the wedding. Hopefully I will be able to knock these out this weekend, or at least start on them!
I figured with some of this free time I could finally show you guys what I did for Reed on Valentines day. He is a huge gift person which makes him hard to buy for. He loves to start giving me a list of things he would like about a month before any holiday. Some people would think that makes it easy but I like to surprise him so I never get him anything off of his list... This time I couldn't come up with a big gift worthy of valentines day so I decided to make a cutesy gift out of a lot of smaller things.

I'm sure that people get tired of me giving handmade gifts all the time so this time I added a little twist. I gave Reed a few smaller gifts that he wanted and packaged them in a crafty way that I really enjoyed. I think this is the best of both worlds.

I put each gift in a tool belt I got from Walmart for under $5 and added funny little tags. This is the tags I put on each gift.
New magazine for his pistol: Hope you NAIL your target.
New holster for his pistol: DRILL those bad guys!
New sunglass froglegs: SAW these and thought of you.
Beef O'Bradys gift card: Don't HAMMER down too hard!
Candy: Hope this gift MEASURES up!!

I had a great time putting this together and Reed was really enjoying unwrapping it. I couldn't tell if he was just excited for the physical gifts or if he was laughing at my clever tags. I know he loved it and he even said he was so glad I am creative :)

I also made another custom scarf for a great friend at Erin Galloway Interiors. For this scarf she wanted all the most important dates in her life. I think this turned out really cute!

Also! Don't forget to comment on the Giveaway post for a chance to win your own scarf!