House Project #2

Project # 2 has taken me the longest to finish. I just kept running out of time, but I finally made myself sit down and knock it out! 
Because our new kitchen is so tiny and lacking in cabinet/counter space I decided to make a rolling island. This way we can add more space for storage and prep with out taking up our limited wall space.
First things first. I raided my parents barn. I knew I needed a super cheap piece of furniture I wasn't sure if it was gonna be a file cabinet, bookshelf, or end table but I knew I needed something that I could add a countertop and wheels too. Luckily when my parents and I went poking around in the barn we found this guy. 
Its pretty rough had so much dust, spiderwebs, mold and peeling paint that Reed immediately told me it wasn't worth my time. But, I knew that with a little sanding and fresh paint I could repurpose this little dude! 
On one of our many trips to Lowes (its becoming my home a way from home. Seriously, they told me I should just work there) Reed showed me some countertop that got water damage a few weeks ago when one of the over head sprinklers went off. The countertop was getting  some major mark downs so Reed and I picked out one and got a 4ft piece (that had practically no damage) for $30!! 

On another trip to Lowes, we never manage to remember everything we need at one time so we usually make about 2 trips a day, We picked up some casters to attach to the bottom of the book case so it can be moved around the kitchen and tucked in a corner when not used. However, the bookcase was old enough that we had to add blocks to attach the casters to on the bottom. 
Reed is always prepared with 2 drills, no one should have to deal with changing drill bits. 
 After lots  of sanding and even more drilling, screwing and nailing the bookcase is sturdy enough to have the countertop put in place and ready for the awesome paint!!

As I'm sure you have already guessed the paint is also a deal given to us by the Lowes gods. 
Have you ever checked out the clearance section in the paint department? If not you should. They always have mistints which are usually beautifully unique colors that are priced as low as .75 cents! We got this gorgeous gallon of blue latex paint for $5!! 
I was extremely excited and can't wait to find something else to paint with this amazing color! 

Now that the bookshelf is completed and adding space to our cramped kitchen I am beginning to feel like this may actually be our home not just Reeds. 

I can't wait until August 4th, I'm ready to be married and play house in this quirky little place!!

Linked up to the DIY Fall Challenge