Master Bedroom Revamp!

Back in January I mentioned that after 2 and a half years I finally decided to tackle our "master bedroom". It isn't really a master, its just got the better windows than the other bedroom, there is no on-suit or walk in closet. But hey, saying it's a master bedroom makes me feel a little grown up :)

Anyway,  I was finally ready to make this room be a place I enjoyed. We had moved furniture around multiple times and I had even painted the walls but I never attempted to make it look like anything special. With a few minor tweaks and a teeny tiny budget I was able to take our hodge-podge college-esque room and make it feel like adults live in it.

The first part of that revamp involved figuring out a space to put all of our clothes and shoes. Like I said before there is no walk-in closet so I have the one closet in the room, Reed has the one in the guest room and before we had a metal rod that Reed hung his work clothes on. Not so pretty.... 

These built-ins where a hassle because we didn't really plan super well, but they are a god send now!!  (Just check out this before picture... ugh horrible.)

After we got the built-ins in place I realized I needed a new bedside table. I just didn't have enough space between the bed and the built-ins. So this lovely galvanized tray turned hanging table was perrrfecct! 

Then I needed to make our furniture match. This dresser is one we've had since Reeds high-school days but it was kinda orange and didn't match the stain on the bed or the new built-ins. So I fixed that one lovely afternoon with a can of paint and stain :) Now it may possibly be my favorite piece of furniture in the house.

 Last but certainly not least, we got new bedding. I found this lovely ruffle quilt set online, to be honest it wasn't exactly what I wanted. It's more dingy than ivory, but hey it hides Tepes hair and dirty paws quite well :) And now I get to enjoy my room. All the little details fit, and it's a space I feel like belongs to the rest of our house.

It may not be a big room, it may not have a walk-in closet or on-suit, but it fits us well. It's a lovely "first" master bedroom. I'm sure it will be changed again before we leave this house but for now I'm extremely happy and so proud of us for finally finishing moving in after almost three years :)

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PS> Check out these links for the posts on each one of the projects that completed this Master Bedroom Revamp! 

Vol. 1 -Dresser Makeover 

Vol. 2 - DIY Hanging Bedside Table 

DIY Hand Painted Onesies

Y'all, this is no joke. I just found out about 2 lovely precious baby girls this past week and I'm so excited for their families and their precious little lives :) Whats a better excuse to send gifts than a new life?! 

I've been shopping all around and falling in love with all kinds of baby outfits but sometimes I have something pretty specific in my head that I just can't find in stores. Thats exactly what happened with these sweeties. 

I love being cheesy like, seriously I think it's the best and babies can totally get away with it too. So I had these awesome little sayings that fit each family perfect so I just had to make these fun hand painted onesies. And all you need to make your own is a pack of plain white onesies, Tee Juice Markers (can get them here), and a sketch of your design. 

First things first you need to sketch out what design you want on the front of your onesie. I drew mine out on a piece of paper but you could just trace the design you want if you aren't confident in your free handing skills :) 

Then place your design inside your onesie and you should be able to see it through your onesie. 

Then you can start painting your design with your markers!!

This is the fun part, but don't go too fast some times these markers can bleed in to one another. If you are worried about bleeding just iron between each layer.

Once you are finished with your design take an iron and run it over the painting a few times. Ironing the painting sets it to the fabric and makes it safe to wash!!

It took me about 30 minutes to do these 3 onesies and I am so excited to get them to their new little princesses. These are so fun and can be totally customized to fit your newest little bundle, and being an auntie on a budget three gifts for less than $8 was pretty sweet too :) 

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