Saying Thanks

This post probably wont have many photos. I wanted to warn you because I try very hard to always have at least 1 image up but I'm just not sure how this one will play out. 

So, a while back I wrote a post about all of the generosity that is being shown towards my family/Reed and I. It is literally mind blowing. 
With the count down dwindling I wanted to put another thanks out. I hope that I have the chance to thank these beautiful people in person but who knows when that will happen so I hope this will suffice for a while. 

Firstly, I would like to thank our Lord and Savior for everything. 
If it weren't for His great love and mercy Reed and I would not be where we are today. 
He has shown us that this is exactly His plan for us by providing for it in every way. 
I know I sound stressed, worried, and overwhelmed at times but that is because I am human and I forget that the Lord has everything under control! Thankfully He is forgiving and continues to bless Reed and I even when we aren't looking to Him first. 

Secondly, I would like to thank our church family. 
Having a short engagement is hard.
 Then add on a tight budget, being a full time student, and living 2 1/2 hours away from home. 
But because of their generosity with time, talents, finances, and property we are having our dream wedding! I can not think of a single thing that I would do differently if I had all the money in the world. 
So thank you all for stepping up and helping my family in a way that you will never know how much it means. 

Thirdly, I want to thank all of my girls. 
So many of you have put up with tears and blabbering at odd hours of the day. Thank you for listening and being their to pull me back in. Also, thanks for being fun and making me be excited when I am being too serious! I wish that I would have been able to make more time for all of you. This entire process has made me miss my girl time so so much. I want to share every minute of this experience with you all! Thank you to those who put together showers and parties. They have all been unbelievably perfect. Thank you for considering my time and feelings with everything. 
Please know that if I could have had all of you standing by my side on August 4th that I would have!! 

Lastly, I would like to thank my mom and dad.
Again, I will admit that planning a wedding while being a full time student wasn't my brightest idea. But you have no idea how much it means to me that you have supported Reed and I in every decision we have made. I want you to know that your work is not going unnoticed. I know that you both are putting in so much more time and effort than I am able too. It tears me up inside to know that I can't help more. When I ask questions I promise that it isn't me not trusting you but rather me attempting to help. I love you both so much and I hope this day can be something our family enjoys and cherishes for a long long time.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!
I can not say it enough. I wish that I could sit and talk with each and every one of you to explain how much you have impacted my life. I love you all so much and can not wait to have all of you celebrating with us on August 4th!!