Why I may be missing for a while. And a GIVEAWAY

Hey ladies!
Ok, I've been extremely busy lately and my mind has been all over the place. 
I want to post but hours just keep slipping past me which is making my days FLY by. 
As most of you know I am getting married August 4th. 
I am extremely excited and busy all at the same time. Which in-turn is making me very very anxious. 
So, I wish I could update on my latest projects and some of the other fun things going on but I just can't find the time or creativity to spare at the moment. I'm going to attempt to write a few posts and schedule them to post over the next 3 weeks but who knows if I will actually get around to it. So keep visiting the blog as they might not get posted to Facebook right away! 

Now all that to say!
 I am featured as a givaway on the awesome Young and Crafy blog!! 

Please go check it out it opens Monday July 16th at 6 am and closes Thursday July 19th! 
Here is a sneak peak of the piece that is being given away! 

Andddd 2 detail shots. 

Alright so here is the scoop. I found young and crafty a while back and finally got the guts up to ask her to feature my project. I told her to go look through my blog and see what she thought would fit best and what her readers would be interested in. 
She pointed out a few different projects but said she really enjoyed the desert flower canvas I did for a friend a while back. (Check out the link for that past project). That canvas was too large to do for a giveaway so she asked for something simililar yet scaled down. 
So when I sat down to finally start this painting I thought about just kinda recreating that piece but then realized that I wanted to do something new and to just really paint from my heart. Because it is a giveaway I didn't technically have a commission for it so I could literally do whatever I wanted. And that is what came out! 
I like it so much I just hope other people do too!! 

Would yall rather me do these types of giveaways instead of the signs? Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think my next personal giveaway should be!

PS. don't hold it against me if I don't post back for a while. I honestly am not sure when I will have time to write again!