Back to the real world.

I'm back a new woman :) 
Well, kinda.
I've got a new name & new roommate
and am working on a new schedule!
I'm excited for all of this change, 
so please be patient with me if blogging isn't terribly high on the totem pole right now :) 

As my first post back it is going to be random and quick.

First. I'm so excited to FINALLY get to set up our own home! I've always had so many ideas but had to make sure they fit with my roommates plans. Now Reed is so great because as long as I fit his animals in somewhere he is happy! Putting the house together is taking a while but we already have 1 room finished so I may be posting on that soon! 

Second. The etsy store is back up and running! I had it closed for the wedding to allow myself some adjustment time. I've made a few sales but would like to boost them. If you are interested in anything PLEASE lets work through the shop:) 

Third. Reed and I had a FABULOUS time on the honeymoon. 
We were blessed with a fabulous resort that offered so many fun activities!
We got to go snorkeling and deep sea fishing!! 
I have about a million pictures so I will whittle them down and share our adventures later :) 
Heres a teaser: 

Fourth. I wanted to thank everyone who came out to help, celebrate and support us. 
I was STUNNED by the number of people that came out on the 4th. 
It really overwhelmed me so much to feel the love you all had for Reed and I. 
Thank you so much for all that you have done for the wedding and over the years as Reed and I have grown up! We love you all very much!! 

Fifth. I shared this on the facebook page but wanted to share it here as well. 
Reed and I decided to compile our own vows. 
We didn't write these but kinda picked our favorite parts from others 
and mashed them all together. 
Reed and I are really wanting to stick to these vows for the rest of our lives and are now trying to find a place to hang them in our home. We have limited wall space but this is something we both want to be reminded of daily. 

I'm glad to be home and ready to get in to the swing of things as a wife! 
School starts back on the 22nd and I start back at work this week. 
I'm ready for my schedule to be set!! 
I promise I will get back in to the swing of posting weekly for you, it just may take a little while :)

PS> Go check out The Mondays blog! They have already posted some wedding pictures!