
Alright I just need to write something. 
I thought my life would slow down after the wedding. 
FALSE! I jumped right back in to everything. 
I want to write so I'm forcing myself to sit down and face the facts.
I'm going to have to make a routine so that I don't keep putting this off. 

Alright, this isn't going to be long. 
Lots of pictures cause it was awesome. 
But hopefully not too much writing :)

For our honeymoon we went to the Dominican Republic. 
We found an AMAZING groupon to the LifeStyles resort in Puerto Plata for a 5 night stay at their all inclusive resort in the residence suit for $400. TOTAL. 
However, Puerto Plata is on the opposite side of the Dominican from Punta Cana.
Because it isn't as big of a city the airport is smaller. 
Which means the flights were very limited. 
So the only option we had was to fly out was 5 am Sunday August 5th from Charlotte. 
That meant we left the wedding at 11pm, drove to charlotte checked in to a hotel at 1:30 had to be at the airport for the international flight at 3. 
We then flew to Miami had a 4 hour lay over then a 2 hour flight to Puerta Plata 
and then a 45 min cab ride to our resort. 
It was all worth it :) 
Grand total we spent less than $2000 on our honeymoon 
and that included the 2 excursions we went on!!

There are the details now pictures and fun stuff!

Its a tradition in my family to fill the brides bag with rice and little sayings.
I forgot about this until we got to the hotel room and my bag exploded.
I had to repack everything in order to fly.

Yes this is a day bed on the beach.
I don't understand why these aren't at every beach. 

Annnd this man made the best drinks EVER :) 
He was a local that used fresh Pineapple to make Pina Coladas!! 

They also had hammocks every where. The first day was cloudy so the water wasn't as bright. 

Reed went snorkeling and brought me presents. 

We also went fishing!! 
The water was beautiful and Reed caught a barracuda!  
Annnd we got to sit up with the captain the entire time :)

The view from the bay. 

Reed with his fish! 

The boat and captain!

Our beach! 

This is our resort!
It was huuuugggeee. 

And another view of our beach

The best meal ever! 
Rice, beans, chicken and beef stew. 

The map of our resort,
I told you it was gigantic!
We stayed where the red dot is.

Annnnnnnnnnd we also went snorkeling! I'll do another post because I have WAY to many pictures I want to share to add  on to this one :)