Canvas Wall Hanging

I wanted to share our bedroom but it isn't completely finished. 
Hopefully, I will be able to show yall next week after our trip home! 
 But, I'm too excited to not show yall what I made to put above our bed. 

Soooo, we had a bunch of canvas that I bought a long time ago. 
I was planning to make pillows with it but after I found those amazing pillows on sale I no longer had room for more pillows (according to Reed). 
I knew I wanted something to go above our bed. 
But it was really frustrating because our bed isn't centered on the wall. 
Our room is so tiny that if the bed wasn't pushed up against the wall the door would hit it. 
And I also knew I wanted some kind of a reminder of our vows. 
My original plan was to do a pallet paintings with our vows. 
But that would have made everything look off center and I couldn't do that. 
So, with all of that canvas and my new Tee Juice markers I decided to try something out. 

First. I cut the canvas to the appropriate size to fit above the bed. 
Then I rearranged our vows and edited them down a little to make sure that everything could fit. 

I then used the fabulous Tee Juice markers I got online to write out the vows. 
These markers are amazing. They make writing on fabric SO easy!!

Here are our vows edited and then pieced together. 

And finally, I knew I wanted something other than just a paragraph hanging above our bed. 
I was beginning to think about our vows and what we were really promising with them. I realized that we were saying we will constantly show and act out our love for one another and the Lord. 
Then I heard the John Mayer song "Love is a Verb" and knew it was perfect. 
I then used some of my craft paint and free handed that across the canvas. 

Now that it is hung above our bed, it is a constant reminder of what we promised each other about 3 1/2  weeks ago. That love is a verb, it isn't just a word but something you work on. 

"I promise to be the helper God intended
I will cherish you
I will follow you as you follow Christ.
I will lead you and guide you as Christ leads me 
I will cover you in prayer
I will be slow to anger and quick to listen
I will speak words of kindness not criticism
I will love you and be faithful to you until God calls us home"