Clemson Scarf!

Late last night I decided to try another project with my Tee Juice markers. 
They are totally awesome and I am SO glad I got a crazy deal on Amazon :)
Yall will be seeing a lot of them from now on!!

First, I have made scarves before and I actually just completed one for an Etsy customer
 when my markers came in. 
I messed around with my markers but was going to wait until I got an order to make another scarf. 
Then I went to work and sold so many scarves that I decided I just needed to get it out there and hopefully someone would fall in love with it. 
And if not I'm wearing it to football games :)

Here are some pictures

I wanted to do something that was related to football & going back to school,
so I took the lyrics from my Alma mater (Clemson University). 

"Where the Blue Ridge yawns its greatness,
Where the Tigers play,
Here the sons of dear old Clemson
Reign supreme alway."

The pictures aren't very good at all. 
But they are the best I could do at home alone with an old point and shoot.
I'm still trying to get funds to buy a DSLR... 

Anyway I love the way the scarf turned out, as much as I would love someone to purchase it 
I would be sad to see it go! 

PS I linked this post to the Uncommonly Yours LInk Party