Honeymoon 2

This is going to be all about our snorkeling trip! 
We payed $40 each and got a half day of snorkeling at 2 spots (left at 8 am and got back at 1pm). 
This was by far both of our favorite parts on our trip :)
The guide told us to bring bananas and water bottles filled with bread to feed the fish.
Our group was small, only about 8 of us. 
We met some really awesome friends. 

It was crazy how many connections we had with this other couple on their honeymoon.
They are from Bozeman Montana.
(Reeds parents have lots of connections there and we are wanting to go visit ASAP). 
They are missionaries. 
(Reeds parents are missionaries!)
The hubby went to school to get his BFA (Bachelors of Fine Arts)
And he focused in sculpture!
(ME TOO!!)
So, basically it was great to have them there for our excursion. 
We had a lot to talk about :) 

Now here are the pictures! I'm going to try and add some videos. They are my favorite parts so I hope I can figure out how to upload them!

Our guide enjoyed our camera and took lots of pictures of us.

Our guide! He referred to him self as the "black shark"

 Feeding the fish!

Our friends from MT!! 

Everyone was impressed by Reeds swimming skills. He was constantly going! 

 Reed swam around like a fish. Even stood on the bottom

The crew heading to the second spot. 

This is me feeding the fish some bread! 
I'm gonna be honest. I got a little freaked out, that was a lot of fish!

This is basically what Reed did the entire time. 
Our guide decided it would be cool to do a video of Reed swimming through the coral.

Hopefully these pictures show yall why we loved the snorkeling so much! 
We really had a great time and filled up an entire memory card of images and videos from the excursion!

Thanks Philip and Carla for the awesome camera!! We wouldn't be able to share any of this if it wasn't for yall! 

PS> Don't forget about the giveaway!