2 months later... House tour #3!!

Alright, so its been a little while between posts about the house. 
And to be honest it wasn't because I forgot, it was more of that these rooms just couldn't have much done to them... Basically this isn't something I was dying to share. 

But with out further audieu here is our TINY kitchen!

For the picture above I'm standing in the back corner. 
I'm not joking, I'm literally in the corner.
This is how tiny our kitchen is. 
And Please just don't pay attention to the mess. 
I figured it was clean enough for friends to come over so its clean enough for my blog buddies. :)

Obviously we didn't have a lot of cabinets or counter space so Reed and I had to get creative. 
I shared this on a previous post so I won't go in to much detail. 
You can check out the full post on our rolling island here!

This has turned out to work perfectly. 
The wheels are a little stiff at times but it adds the perfect about or storage for our daily gotos 
and makes a huge difference when it comes to counter space! 

Now this is another project that I need to talk about. 
If you are a fan on facebook then you probably saw me mention this guy a few times. 
I just realized tonight that I never actually wrote my post about it. 
Be looking for it soon :) 
I'll link back to this one once I share the process of revamping this darling table! 

And another view of the table. 
The placemats, napkins, napkin rings, and some of the "center piece" where wedding gifts :)
The chairs are some that my mom and I re did for Reed about 4 years ago when he moved in to his first apartment :)

 Now this is the side of the kichen that is a little questionable. 
I had big plans for it. 
But life happened and this is how it stayed. 
(This photo was taken in the corner shoved up against the stove and rolling island, again tiny kitchen!)

I was planning to make a curtain to hide the "pantry" and we were gonna get some really cool cabinet for the microwave, toaster, and coffee. 
I would still love to do those things but right now its kinda low on the totem pole, oops. 

I think I mentioned back in the wedding planning days that I was blessed with a shower thrown by my church family that stocked our pantry.
Well, ladies I think you did good! 
This is still full after almost 5 months have gone by!! 
I've added very little of my own but we have used so much of what yall gave! 
Reed loooooves all of the recipes and I am very grateful for them also, I would have been totally lost with out all that yall did!!  

And this is just a random shot, but Reed has every spice known to man. 
Well not really but he has a pretty impressive collection I think!

Thats our kitchen!
Nothing fancy or worth showing off but I figured I just left yall hanging by only showing 2 rooms. 
Only 1 room left on the tour!
Yep our house has 4 rooms. 
But its all we need!!!

PS> We would appreciate some prayers for our little house. 
We are struggling with some mold issues, but are attempting to work them out with the rental company.