Little Blue Table

Here is that little table that I showed you in our kitchen tour 
It had a huge transformation but I didn't get to take before and after pictures... sorry

This table was found and given to us by a sweet family friend. 
She warned us that it needed some love but trusted that we could handle it :)
I am so glad she had faith in us cause I love this table now! 

This is the best before and after shot I could get. 
I was lucky enough to come home one day and find Reed working on it 
and he doesn't understand my obsession with photographing everything I do 
which means he didn't take progress pictures :) 

The table was kinda drab and was a bit rickety.
But Reed sanded it down and used LOTS of glue and screws to make sure nothing came out of place. 
The photo on the right cracks me up. 
Look at all those clamps!!  

After sanding, glueing, and filling in a few holes we stained it with a beautiful golden color. 
The legs to the table were a lot more tricky.
We sat there for a while contemplating if it was worth sanding each and every spool.
We eventually decided that it wasn't and so we roughed it up and added some paint. 

I just love this color! 
You can't really tell in the picture but its that blue that I use on everything. 
I've decided its my blue. No one else's, just mine :) 

I really love this table. 
It fits perfectly in our baby kitchen, and if we ever have a need to have more than 2 seats we can pull it out and fit a few more chairs. 

So many items in our home have been gifts from friends and family. 
Thank you for each and every one of them. 
Reed and I hope that we can make these items last for a long time so we can always tell our company how much grace the Lord has poured out on us through others :)