My Fall "Mantel"

Well, in our little house we don't have a fireplace. 
So I don't really have a mantel. 
But I was still inspired by all those awesome blog posts about fall mantel pieces. 
I haven't really done much. 
And I haven't spent much time on it but I figured i would share the little bit of fall decorating that  I have attempted :) 

These are just some craft pumpkins that I got from Michaels at like 40% off!! 

I'm sorry I didn't take any before pictures. 
Or process pictures. 
But basically I just used a black paint pen and went to town! 

 Daniel 2:21
"He Changes the times and seasons" 
Just thought it was a good verse for fall :) 

Of course!
Go Tigers!! 

"Home Sweet Home!" 

These are the types of crafts I love.
So simple but so fun.

I need to make more time for these type of projects!! 

I linked up this post with

The Shabby Nest
52 Mantels

PS> My picture quality has gotten a little better. (I think anyway).
I just got a Nikon D5100! 
I'm still figuring out how it works and all the settings but I am having a BLAST figuring it all out!
Hopefully sometime in the near future you will be looking at a little better documentation :) 
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