Blogger, Art Student, & Newly Wed

I feel like my posts are often ALL OVER THE PLACE. 
But I realized today that it didn't matter because each post is coming from a different part of my life. 
I'm a blogger, art student, and a newly wed. 
Each of these categories have so many different meanings and I often overlap them in some of my posts. 

Last week I did mostly blog themed posts. 
I got EXTREMELY lucky and was asked by 2 wonderful ladies to host some linky parties and so that took up a little bit of my time. I also was doing a giveaway with another fabulous woman and I was waisting way too much time attempting to give my blog a makeover. 

So, THIS WEEK I'm going for more of the newly wed jabber :) 
Mainly because I noticed I've never done a post on food and I've been trying to be a good cook lately. 

To kick off my week of all things newly wed (really doesn't mean anything, I just figured I would share  projects that involved Reed more than normal) I'm going to share a little bit of our time apple picking and then the fabulous apple concoctions that came out of it :) 

The last weekend in October was my birthday and Reed planned an entire day filled with fun fall activities with great friends! I'm lucky enough to share my birthday with a good friend of both Reed and I, so we made it a double date and let the boys plan everything. 

First they took us to Sky Top orchord in North Carolina to pick as many apples as we wanted! 
When we pulled up we were all blown away and went a little crazy for apples :)

These pictures are some of my favorite^ v
Don't they just look like some kind of apple wonderland!!

We picked and picked and picked some more and ended up coming home with about 30lbs of apples between all of us!

Not only did we pick a ton but we of course went through the apple gift shop and got apple pancake mix, apple cider and apple butter. 

Annnnnd then we tried the treats they where making on hand. 
These are apple cider DONUTS!

Heaven. On. Earth. 
We got a dozen and had to stop ourselves from eating them all and going back for more.

Then after our fun in the apple orchard they took us to eat BBQ in Saluda NC and it was the bomb. 
A great day full of everything that is good about fall in the South :) 

All that to say that you should be expecting many apple treats on the blog!
We have already made 2 pies, loads of baked cinnamon apples, apple cider drinks, and apple pancakes and we STILL have apples left over :) 

PS. Reed got me some AWESOME stuff for my camera for my birthday, I'm still waiting on my bag to come in and then I'm going to share all the goodies I got :)