TAG YOUR IT, blogger style

Wanna read some about me? 
Wanna find 11 fun blogs?
Well check it out! Thats exactly what I've just posted :) 

Here are the rules:
  1. Every tagged person has to tell 11 things about themselves.
  2. The person who tagged you asked 11 questions, answer them.
  3. Ask 11 questions for the 11 blogs you are going to tag, please choose blogs with less than 200 followers.
  4. Mention the blog that tagged you, but don't tag them back.

11 Things about ME!

1. I am the 2nd of 4 children. 
2. I never moved until I came to college
3. I am in my senior year at Clemson University and will soon graduate with a Fine Arts degree!!
4. My dream was always to get married in college, and it came true this past August! 
5. I married my middle school and high school crush (we didn't date until my senior year of High school). 
6. I want to adopt my future kiddos 
7. I've been to Nicaragua 5 times and hope to live there for an extended period one day (Reeds parents live there). 
8. My love language is quality time and words of affirmation. 
9. I can't stand being alone. I love my friends and want them to be with me ALL THE TIME. 
10. One day I hope I can use my artist skill to further the Lords kingdom, hopefully this blog is the first step!
11.I grew up and realized as much as I love to travel I am a true southern girl and don't wanna live anywhere else!

I was tagged by Pam at Best Laid Plans and here are the questions she asked me! 

  1. How long have you been blogging and what is your main focus on your blog? My first post was a year ago this past July. Butttt I didn't start blogging on a regular basis but about 6 months ago! I have 3 main focuses. 1. Life as an art student and sharing my fine art projects 2. Being a crafter at heart and sharing/selling those fun ideas and projects 3. Sharing my experiences as a newly wed!! 
  2. What is your favorite craft/hobby? I love to make art. Any kind. But I think as far as hobbies and crafts I love to paint on found objects more than anything :) 
  3. What is your current or latest project? My current or latest project in which part of my life?! As an art student I have atleast 3 projects going on just for classes and then with my etsy shop I often have one or 2 for that, on top of my home projects! But I think my favorite out of all of them right now are the pieces I am putting in to my senior show dealing with integrity and furniture. 
  4. Do you craft for yourself or for gift-giving? Both. I love to craft and I don't have the space so a lot of the times I end up giving them as gifts.
  5. What is your favorite holiday? I think it is Thanksgiving. I LOVE hanging around, talking to family and friends. Plus the food is a HUGE plus :) 
  6. Who is your favorite author? Thats hard. I love reading older literature. I think Jane Austin would have to be one of my favorites. 
  7. Do you have a favorite blog that you have to read? If so, share the name and link. :) By a landslide my favorite blog is Under The Sycamore she shares so much wisdom and truth and has inspired my life in SO many ways!! 
  8. Where is your favorite place to vacation? Its a tie between Kiawah Island, SC and Nicaragua. I have been lucky enough to have family in both locations so I visit them pretty regularly. Kiawah is my favorite when I want to do nothing but get tan and read :) Nicaragua is a place I love to go for a reality check, and for any and every kind of adventure!! 
  9. Do you love to cook or eat out? I'm so bad about eating out. I love cooking, specially now that I have someone to cook FOR. But I think talking over dinner is one of my favorite things to do so I always catch up with friends out to eat :) 
  10. What is your favorite food? Well, right now it is anything and everything Mexican. I don't know what it is but I can't stop craving it!
  11. Tea, coffee or wine? I'm southern and proud of it. SWEET TEA :) I just started to be fond of wine this year and I hope that I never like coffee :) 

And finally my 11 questions to YOU! 

  1. Do you blog for yourself or others?
  2. What is your favorite "blog experience"? (ex. I LOVE hearing from my readers)
  3. Do you share everything thats on your mind? Why or Why not?
  4. What is your biggest piece of advice to a newbie blogger??
  5. Do you have blogger besties? If so, share them!! 
  6. How do you spend your free time?
  7. What is your DREAM job?
  8. If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?
  9. What is your all time favorite memory?
  10. If you could have any talent what would it be?
  11. How can your blog experience be better?! (I would love to help)
The people that couldn't run fast enough and got TAGGED!!