Spring Studio Space

I moved in to my studio at school last week. 
I'm sure most of you saw it on instagram or facebook. 
Sorry, I'm not sorry about it!! 
I'm way to excited NOT to share :)
Having this closet size studio sure beats using my guest bedroom and having to worry about the carpet all the time. 

(Heres the picture I shared last week, I've cleaned it up a little bit but forgot to take a picture. I'm sure you will see it again soon, I'll be living in it this semester!) 

Now that I've got space to work, I've been MUCH more productive.
I even just think better!

Here is my first project for the semester. 
What I am looking to discuss with this piece is a continuation from last semester. 
And the topic that is common in many societies is tradition, and how to preserve it. In
today’s American culture we are asked to look forward more often than back, and to think
about OUR individual future rather than the collective. This is evident in the lack of interest
in heritage. Not only are people losing their personal history but many traditions are being
lost as well. Trades that were once passed down from generation to generation are now
specialties that are hard to come by. With this body of work I am using furniture to
comment on the tradition, heritage, and integrity that is seemingly loosing importance to
the younger generations.

I am really proud of this piece and am honestly stund at how well the testing worked out. 
I posted a few weeks back asking if anyone knew how stiff fabric stiffener got. 
Well, incase you where wondering what I was doing with it... I made a fabric table!

Here is how I tested it. 
First I laid out wax paper to protect the counter top and chose 2 pieces that I didn't care about messing up. (They ended up being fine and I just had to wash the glue off) 
Second I filled a large bowl with the fabric stiffener and rolled a small piece of fabric in it. 
Once the fabric was completely covered I draped it over the cup and bowl to dry. 
After about 24 hours of drying I was so surprised how well the fabric held its shape! 

Now back to my large test. 
I used the same process just on a larger scale. 
I also used Elmer's glue instead of fabric stiffener because it was cheaper. (Also had the same results). 
This took about 24hours of dry time also and was unbelievably strong when I poped it off!! 

For this particular piece there is evidence of a table set for dinner while it is no
longer in existence. The tablecloth is formed to the shape of a traditional table that a family
of four would sit down to for dinner. Nearly everyone in the American society would be
able to identify this; however, eating at the table is becoming a thing of the past. With the
high paced life that many of us are living we often find ourselves eating out, in the car, or
even just grabbing a bite in front of the TV to relax. This table, whether in the kitchen or
dinning room, is becoming something that is more metaphorical than literal, more strange
than familiar, and recognizable yet overlooked.

I am hoping to draw the viewer back in with a piece that is in an inbetween state.
Causing the viewer to prolong their engagement with the piece by questioning their own
habits, knowledge or appreciation for the past.

I really do hope that people will interact with this piece and begin to investigate it. 
I love the way the fabric drapes and billows. 

 And ending on a different note. 
Tepe and Reed have too much fun together sometimes!