
Wishful Wednesday: Dreaming of NYC!

The last week or so I've been trying to come up with what I want to wear for my art show in New York. I don't usually plan out what I'm gonna wear months in advance or buy new things for a trip/event. But I feel like this one is a big enough deal that I can if I want to (have it in my budget... yesterday I wrote about our new budget system check it out here)

So anyway, I figured I would lay out some of what I was thinking here and see what y'all think! Remember, I'm going to Rye, NY (about 30 minutes outside of NYC) for an art reception that is held from 3pm to 5pm April 5th so nothing too fancy. (and anyone from NY area help me prepare for weather too, what is it usually like up there in April??)

Hoookay! The vision that started this all is actually not on ETSY, I've found a couple look a likes but the one I love and feel the most comfortable with trying out is actually a sewing pattern. Yep, that means I would have to MAKE IT. Which is a bit scary, thats the reason why I haven't purchased yet. But I can't find anything else like it and I just keep coming back so I'm thinking I need some advice from my dear friends!! 1. do you think I could do it?? 2. Do you think a tea length version in either black or a fun pattern is fitting for what I'm doing?? Basically what I'm picturing is this awesome skirt with a simple fitted tee and probably flats. Nothing too fancy! Annnnd basically exactly how she is wearing it, dang. This Infamous Regal Maxi Skirt is just so beautiful and Mimi G has the coolest stuff!
After reading all the reviews, asking a friend who has made this, I'm pretty sure it is exactly what I'm looking for. Beautifully feminine that can be dressed up or down!! Woot woot!

I said I found some look a likes of the skirt above. This isn't one of them but it is something I found while looking for look a likes :) Annnnnd just to be honest this is a BIG contendor! I mean look at this shop (Melange Mode)!! Those prints are stunning, and each piece looks so beautifully crafted and fits each person so well! I called Reed in to show him and of course he just kinda nodded and said "mmm hmm" he never knows how to respond to anything I like. At least he has learned to keep his mouth shut :)  Basically I would love one of everything from this shop. But the one that caught my eye and that I think would be best for the look I'm going for is this African Print Midi Skirt.
I have no clue how I would pick the print but I love them all so I'm pretty sure any of them would be just fine! I mean, those wide leg pants I think I need them too!

And if I ever have a super formal event to go to I found my dress already :)

Annnnnd everyone needs a little black dress right? I mean even if I don't wear this in NY I want it :) Look at the beautiful shoulders! That neck line, uhhhh. Why do I like clothes so much and hate spending money! This lace detail knee length dress is pretty enough to go to any event. I'm ready to have one now :)

To end with another thing that I just want :) I would wear it in NY if I could convince myself to make it by then. Yep another sewing pattern! I mean, why can't I just find these pre made by someone who knows what they are doing?! This maxi cardigan is AWESOME! I love it with the hood and with out. I've shown Reed and he has given me permission to purchase the pattern if I ask for help when making it :) No wasting fabric for me!

So, basically I have no clue what I want. I kinda do but I really need some guidance. I just wanna look good!!! HELP!

PS>> we will be in NYC for the weekend so any one with suggestions on where  to stay, places to eat, things to see would be greatly appreciated! (I've been twice Reed has never been so I need to make sure I don't just show him the art museums :) ).

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Think Big Fund

So I'm starting to pursue a dream I've had for a while. If you've been around the blog (or me) for any length if time you know I've got a love for furniture and art. A dream that I've had for a long time has always been to own my own business revolved around my passion for creative style in homes and everyday life. My concept for my art even revolves around the same idea to an extent. 
Now that Reed has been blessed with his dream job and God has continued to pour out his blessings and provide us with all our needs, I've decided to pursue my dreams. Reed and I are working on finding me a shop/shed that we can put in the back yard for me to use as a studio. We have a few good options that we just have to find the time to make happen. The next big step in this entire process is to gather funds to help me set up my new studio. Being a sculptor and having a desire to design and build furniture requires some pretty heavy duty tools. And heavy duty tools cost lots of money! 

So in an attempt to to raise these funds I am pursuing my Etsy shop with a new fervor! I've added multiple new items at reasonable prices in hopes to increase the number of sales. I am already planning a few items for the holidays in hopes to get more of my work in your homes!! 
I am also in the process of professionally updating my blog. I have found a beautiful designer who is helping me tie all if my "sites" (Etsy, blog, and Facebook) together. To kick this off I am planning a big giveaway featuring other small businesses on and off Etsy. So be sure to check back in to stay up to date! 
My dream is that I will have enough funds to set up shop and start selling my own creations instead of relying on pieces that just need refurbishing. 

If you are interested in being a part of this new studio let me know and I can give you more detailed information!! Also if there is a project you would like for me to tackle I am looking for more custom projects. Just leave a comment or message me with what you are looking for and we can start the process of working together! 

And thank you to everyone who has already helped me get this process started!! It has been a long time coming and I am so grateful that God has finally allowed me the ability to pursue my dreams!