Bathroom Reveal at the Boondocks House

Here is a quick tour of our super long and skinny bathroom :)
Before we moved in it had a odd vanity with no cabinets underneath and lots of water damage. But Reeds boss was so sweet and for a "house warming gift" they re did the vanity before we got here! Now it is a nice new vanity with lots of storage!  

This bathroom is pretty awesome when it comes to storage. We have more than we know what to do with! All I did to spruce them up was paint the back of the shelving with my favorite color  and scrounge up all the fun little containers we had randomly around the house. 

When they put the new vanity in the mirror was no longer center so it was kind of odd. When you stood at the sink you only saw half of your face in the mirror. BUT never fear because thrifty finds fix everything! I found this old medicine cabinet that fits perfectly next to the original which gives the awkwardness a little more purpose. 

And don't you just love the shower curtain! We got it as a wedding gift at Bed Bath & Beyond. The only thing I still want to figure out is how to make the room feel less yellow. I don't know why but sometimes the lighting in there is just soooooo yellow.

Heres a secret. This room was done the week we moved in. I just couldn't share because we had this one really long strange wall that I just didn't know what to do with. So just recently (this week) I quickly made this piece of art to go over the towel rack. Its not much but it takes up space and thats what I  needed it to do!

So anyway, thats our bathroom! Long skinny and always going to be a tripping hazard :) If you look at the first picture you can see how close the vanity is to the tub, literally it is just enough room to stand. The first week I fell back in to the tub countless times! But good news is I'm getting used to it and haven't hurt myself yet :)

I'm going to share next week how I made the new artwork, its an interesting fail turn success story so come back to check it out!

** And don't forget about the big reveal!! TOMORROWWWWWWW! Here is the sneak peak at what we plan to giveaway as part of the revamping process :)