boondocks house

Master Bedroom Revamp!

Back in January I mentioned that after 2 and a half years I finally decided to tackle our "master bedroom". It isn't really a master, its just got the better windows than the other bedroom, there is no on-suit or walk in closet. But hey, saying it's a master bedroom makes me feel a little grown up :)

Anyway,  I was finally ready to make this room be a place I enjoyed. We had moved furniture around multiple times and I had even painted the walls but I never attempted to make it look like anything special. With a few minor tweaks and a teeny tiny budget I was able to take our hodge-podge college-esque room and make it feel like adults live in it.

The first part of that revamp involved figuring out a space to put all of our clothes and shoes. Like I said before there is no walk-in closet so I have the one closet in the room, Reed has the one in the guest room and before we had a metal rod that Reed hung his work clothes on. Not so pretty.... 

These built-ins where a hassle because we didn't really plan super well, but they are a god send now!!  (Just check out this before picture... ugh horrible.)

After we got the built-ins in place I realized I needed a new bedside table. I just didn't have enough space between the bed and the built-ins. So this lovely galvanized tray turned hanging table was perrrfecct! 

Then I needed to make our furniture match. This dresser is one we've had since Reeds high-school days but it was kinda orange and didn't match the stain on the bed or the new built-ins. So I fixed that one lovely afternoon with a can of paint and stain :) Now it may possibly be my favorite piece of furniture in the house.

 Last but certainly not least, we got new bedding. I found this lovely ruffle quilt set online, to be honest it wasn't exactly what I wanted. It's more dingy than ivory, but hey it hides Tepes hair and dirty paws quite well :) And now I get to enjoy my room. All the little details fit, and it's a space I feel like belongs to the rest of our house.

It may not be a big room, it may not have a walk-in closet or on-suit, but it fits us well. It's a lovely "first" master bedroom. I'm sure it will be changed again before we leave this house but for now I'm extremely happy and so proud of us for finally finishing moving in after almost three years :)

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PS> Check out these links for the posts on each one of the projects that completed this Master Bedroom Revamp! 

Vol. 1 -Dresser Makeover 

Vol. 2 - DIY Hanging Bedside Table 

Combining our Passions in to a Decorating Style

A couple of weeks ago I was asked by Compass, an online home finder company in New York, to share my starter story. You know, the story of your home and how it molded you as much as you molded it to you :) I loved the idea of this and totally jumped on the chance to really look at our home again.

So for starters, the home we are in now is not our first house together. In fact when Reed and I first got married we lived in a itsy bitsy house while we finished college, I mean it was so small you could plug in the vacuum in one room and do the entire house. Yes, thats small. If you wanna see more of how we made that itsy bitsy space in to our own check out these links >>

But for the purpose of this project, I felt like the home that we would say is the starter to our story is the one we are in now, our boondocks house.

We still don't own this house, but it's a step up from our last one because the landlords have agreed to let us make it fit our needs and style. Reed and I have done tons of projects both inside and out in the past year and a half. But I think the room that shows this the most is the living room. We have really combined both of our passions in life to make this space a beautiful expression of us as a couple. It gets changed around a couple times a year but the gist stays the same. 

Outdoorsman meets artist. 

Odd combo I know :) 

This room is bright and fun but oh so comfy. We've managed to have all our most important pieces in this space. Including some of Reed's animal mounts and my all time favorite painting. 

Most people think if you are gonna have taxidermy in your space that you have to go natural, rustic, or lodge/cabin style. But I don't agree! I think Reeds taxidermy is beautiful, and when paired with the bright teals, whites, and other pops colors in the room a beautiful juxtaposition happens and makes every corner of the room interesting. 

I'm not sure how I would describe our style, other than a perfect combo of the two of us. Maybe whimsical rustic?? Whatever you want to call our style, this house has allowed us to grow in to this style and really find out how to combine our contrasting passions in to a beautiful and unique piece of work. 

This house is in no way our dream, but it is exactly what we need.
What is your starter story?? Did you  have a house that molded you and your family in to what you are now?

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PS. If you are in the NY area be sure to check out Compass and find your perfect home :)