Making Monday [#2]

For my first link party I think last Monday was a success!! Lets make it a tradition and keep making these mondays MOVE! Hopefully this time we will get a tad more links added to the party, I like cozy and intimate but I think this should be poppin to the point that we are shoulder to shoulder with beautiful new Monday inspiring projects! 

I wanted to share a few of my favorite links from last week and let you know that these fabulous ladies have been here from the start!

This Foam Board Cornice  from Anne and Christy at Creating A Beautiful Life is awesome! Talk about some great ideas for people that want to spruce up a rental house or are just looking for a quick fix for a room. Thank you ladies so much for sharing, I'm totally trying this out in our little house!

Next is Cassie from A Business and a Bungalow. She revamped a beautiful mid-century modern desk with very little paint!  I love that she chose to use stain instead of just painting over it. Natural wood can be so beautiful and I think her choice in painting the harder pieces is perfect!

And finally is this simple tutorial on some stunning earrings. Mel over at Mellywood's Mansion shared these beautiful stone drop earrings and how sometimes simplicity is best! Check out the rest of her blog for lots of funny tidbits on a normal life :)

If you where featured PLEASE grab a button and check out the Pinterest board where I will be pinning the features every week! Thank you all so much and lets get going with this weeks party!

Kitchen Table Art

If you are joining us for the first time WELCOME! We love new friends go link up whatever you like, as long as its appropriate of course. My only rule is that I would prefer no links to direct items for sale. If you are a shop please link up to a page telling us about you and your creative process! I'm a beginning small business and know that some times you just need a little loving from new friends :)
Other than that enjoy and be sure to click around telling people you have found them through this hip hoppin party!
Kitchen Table Art

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