How I turned a failed dog bed project in to artwork for the bathroom!

Projects don't always turn out the way we picture in our heads. Pinterest has created a perfect example of how our DIY projects should turn out. But often they don't look anything like what we pinned. I am not a huge fan of Pinterest. I use it some but only if I have a specific thing in mind that I have a QUESTION about. It is a research tool for me, otherwise it would totally put me in a creative block.

Anyway, back on track here. I decided I was going to make our beautiful puppy a bed. She is a little strange in the fact that she doesn't like the floor. She would rather sit on ANYTHING but the floor. She is precious and I will take any chance to share pictures of her so here are some of my favorite pictures of her sitting on everything from my feet to a barstool. Isn't she just the sweetest!

I decided that she might like her dog bed a little more if it was off the floor! Brilliant right?!
And what better material than the mighty pallet! Well I got to work and it immediately wasn't what I was expecting. 1. taking the pallet apart was SUPER hard! I have used pallets before but always cut them up, trying to take the nails out was ridiculous. Never again. 2. Making a real rough pallet look some what refined just wasn't happening. I'm sure it could have but I was so turned off by that point that I just gave up. It looked like a pallet...

So the bed sat outside on the back porch for about 3 weeks. Reed kept asking what I was doing with it and I just avoided answering :) Finally I just took it apart. I was tired of looking at it so I made it go away.

Then I realized the other thing I was really tired of was that big blank wall in our bathroom!
Our bathroom is kinda strange. I showed you on Friday in our bathroom "tour" how long and narrow it is, isn't it a bit bizarre?? Even though I technically finished this room like 2 days after we moved in I just couldn't share because I was so unsettled about that long empty wall.

So I decided to recycle my already recycled pallet dog bed in to SOMETHING to put on that wall!

The pieces where already whitewashed from the bed so all I did was come up with a word that would fit the bathroom. I wasn't in the most creative mood so "scrub" it was. Then I just pulled the color from the shelves and shower curtain and painted it right on the "headboard" of the dog bed.

WAH LA! The perfect size piece of wall art made in all about 10 minutes (if you don't count the long process of failing in making a dog bed).

So there is a fail turned success! I'm sure you all have stories similar, its hard to live up to the Pinterest perfect life that is out there now. Let me know what kind of project fails you've had around the house.