Making Monday [LINK PARTY]

This move has been hard. I have to fight being lazy every day, some days I don't change out of my night clothes. (oops!). But I've found that if I start my week off moving then I tend to be more productive and creative through out the entire week. 
So I decided to start up a [link party] where anyone can share their masterpiece (or pieces) and help get others (like me) get moving and start making!

My goal is to have as many creative and fun links added through out the week so we can share them with others through social media and really get the creative juices flowing! 
By adding your link to the party you are giving me permission to share on my social media sites and possibly get a feature on the next weeks Making Monday party post!

So lets get started! 
Here are a few guidelines: 
>keep it friendly [if it isn't something you would want your mom to read don't post it]
>If you follow me on FB, Instagram, Pinterest, or Google+ I will follow you right back!
>If you are a small business and write about your items on your blog FEEL FREE to link it up [just no DIRECT link to your shops please.] If you want to promote your items even more let me know and we can discuss a giveaway! 
>Be sure to click on other links, and let them know you visited! There is nothing better than hearing how other people are responding to your latest project! 
>Be sure to share the button with friends so we can let everyone join in on the fun! 

Kitchen Table Art