Wine Barrel Inspired Tray

So I was gone again, but this time I had a good excuse other than just being "busy". I was blessed with the chance to go to Chicago for a friends wedding! I drove up with some sweet friends on a Tuesday and stayed until Sunday. Not only did we get to enjoy all of the fun wedding festivities but we also go to go in to the city for a day or two. Chicago is a beautiful place and I hope that I can go back some time soon and see everything else it has to offer!
When I was coming up with gifts for the wedding I was trying to be cost efficient while also making something for the couple that would be unique to just them. The girls and I went in together and did a wine basket gift so I thought a tray inspired by a wine barrel would be just perfect!

So I went down to Lowes and picked up a round wood panel and used some of my stain from my wood weathering project to create the "barrel" look. 

To keep with the theme I got some cast iron cabinet pulls to use as handles. I think they mimic the metal rings of an antique barrel nicely :) 

Then I added the special touch for the couple by adding their name and wedding date with their "home town". 

I was really surprised by how big of a hit it was at the shower. I wasn't so sure about how "wine barrel" esque it was but regardless people really liked it! It was so fun and easy to make too. 

I've got some other projects that I've started before my trip to Chicago and now I'm starting to finish them up so hopefully some time next week I will be able to share them with you! The guest room /studio is almost finished which is going to 1. be an awesome post and 2. make it so much easier for me to work on other projects!